The Ultimate Guide to Recruiting For Hard-to-Fill Blue-Collar Positions in Singapore

7 mins
August 20, 2024

A comprehensive guide to effectively recruit Singapore's best blue-collar talent and create meaningful employment opportunities through strategic methods.Introduction

Singapore's blue-collar workers are the backbone of the economy, yet finding skilled workers for these roles can be challenging. For months, you’ve struggled to find qualified candidates to fill your company's positions. Don’t lose hope! This comprehensive guide on hiring blue-collar workers shares practical strategies to recruit Singapore's best talent and create meaningful employment opportunities. By following the tips in this guide, you'll fill your talent pipeline with ideal candidates in no time. Now, let’s dive in and learn how to attract the blue-collar workers that will drive your company's success.

1. Fishing Where the Fish Are

• Post on the Right Platforms

Most companies are fishing in the wrong pond when it comes to recruiting blue-collar workers. LinkedIn and job boards cater more for white-collar jobs. To attract blue-collar workers in Singapore, you need to meet them where they're at - by having your job postings on platforms like FastJobs, Singapore’s #1 non-executive job search portal.

• Make it Easy to Apply

Blue-collar job seekers are less likely to have polished resumes on hand. Simplify the application process by allowing quick submissions via mobile. Accepting video introductions instead of formal CVs can open doors for skilled but under-represented candidates.

2. Launch a Paid Referral Programme to Incentivise Recruiting

• The Power of Referrals

Tap into your existing workforce to find top talent. Studies show that employee referrals have a higher job acceptance rate and longer tenure than candidates from other sources.

• Incentivising the Search

So, how does it work? Simple - set up a system where employees earn rewards (monetary or otherwise) for every referral that gets hired and sticks around for a predetermined period. This approach kills two birds with one stone. Not only does it expand your candidate pool beyond traditional job boards, but it also increases the chances of finding culturally fitting candidates who align with your company's values.

• Quality Over Quantity

Of course, you'll want to ensure the programme is designed to prioritise quality over quantity. Tracking referrals and only paying out rewards for hires that complete a minimum tenure helps weed out ineffective referrals and keeps recruitment costs in check. After all, a bad hire can be costly, so it's essential to incentivise the right kind of referrals.

3. Offer Attractive and Competitive Benefits

• Stand Out With Better Benefits

Offering excellent and competitive benefits is key to attracting and retaining top blue-collar talent in Singapore. While statutory benefits like Central Provident Fund contributions, annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave are a must, going above and beyond can make your company stand out.

Think outside the box with benefits like:

  • Flexible working hours
  • Staff discount 
  • Staff meals or transport allowance 
  • Learning and development budgets
  • Wellness programs

These perks show you value your employees. It creates a positive culture that retains staff long-term.

• Level Up Health Coverage

Go beyond the basic healthcare provided under the Central Provident Fund (CPF). Offer supplementary health insurance plans to cover additional medical costs. This comprehensive coverage is a major draw for blue-collar workers doing physically demanding jobs.

• Reward Specialist Skills

Blue-collar roles in Singapore require niche skills that deserve competitive compensation. Offer pay packages that match the value these workers bring. Bonuses or allowances for specialised certifications show you recognise their expertise and professional work.

4. Create Engaging Marketing Content to Attract Candidates

• Break the Stigma Around Blue-Collar Work

Companies can effectively combat the stigma surrounding blue-collar work by strategically showcasing the most prevalent blue-collar positions available beyond traditional manual labour and construction jobs. Through targeted marketing campaigns that highlight the intellectual challenges, technical skills, and career advancement opportunities within blue-collar industries, companies can shift perceptions and attract a wider pool of talent. By emphasising the innovation, creativity, and professional growth potential in these fields, companies can dismantle stereotypes and foster a more inclusive and accurate representation of blue-collar professions.

• Show Them the Money (And Benefits)

Blue-collar workers want competitive pay and solid benefits. Your marketing content should highlight details like attractive salary ranges, healthcare coverage, training opportunities and more. Don't just list the basics - really sell why your company offers an unbeatable total rewards package.

• Share Authentic Employee Stories

One of the most powerful ways to market open roles? Let real employees do the talking. Share video testimonials, written profiles or social posts that give an inside look at company culture. Authentic content helps potential hires envision themselves in the role!

• Speak Their Language

Avoid corporate jargon or overly complex language. Keep recruitment marketing simple, direct and relatable for maximum impact with blue-collar candidates at different levels. If you're posting in multiple languages, be sure translations accurately capture the right tone and messaging.

5. Recruit Mature Workers for Their Experience

• Tap into a Dedicated Talent Pool

With Singapore's workforce rapidly ageing, mature workers aged 50 and above represent a growing talent pool of committed employees. Don't overlook this seasoned group when filling blue-collar roles. Their decades of experience make them a valuable asset to any team.

Think of mature hires as living, breathing mentors who can impart hard-earned wisdom to your greener workers. Their stability and loyalty are second to none after building long careers. Plus, you'll gain fresh perspectives from those with diverse backgrounds.

• Government Grants Make It Affordable

Okay, so mature workers sound like a smart investment. But what about the costs? The good news is our government wants you to hire this silver-haired talent. A range of financial incentives and grants are available to employers who take on mature Singaporeans.

Through schemes like the Senior Worker Early Adopter Grant and Part-Time Re-Employment Grant, you could receive up to S$2,500 per eligible senior hire. There are also CPF contribution offsets and hiring salary support for those aged 40 and up. Why not give an experienced veteran a second career?

6. Partner with Government Agencies

Want to attract more blue-collar talent? Consider partnering with government agencies - they've got your back. From upskilling programmes to financial support, these partnerships can be a game-changer.

• Professionalised Blue-Collar Jobs

Singapore is on a mission to professionalise skilled trades like electricians and plumbers. The goal? To ascribe the right value to these blue-collar jobs and provide a clear career progression ladder.

How can you get involved? Partner with government agencies and industry bodies to develop accreditation programmes and professional guilds. This way, your blue-collar workers can gain recognition for their skills and earn the remuneration they deserve.

• Collaborate on Training Initiatives

Don't go it alone when it comes to training your blue-collar workforce. The government is keen to collaborate with industry partners on effective training programmes under SkillsFuture.

By joining forces, you can ensure that your workers receive relevant, hands-on training to adapt to new technologies and industry changes. Plus, you'll have the government's support in enabling your employees to take time off for upskilling.

With government partnerships, you can future-proof your blue-collar workforce and keep your business competitive in the ever-evolving job market.


Recruiting for hard-to-fill blue-collar roles may seem challenging, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. 

By leveraging platforms like FastJobs, offering competitive benefits, starting referral programs, creating effective marketing materials, recruiting veterans, and collaborating with government agencies, you can effectively fill those vacancies and create employment opportunities. 

‘With creativity and persistence, you can build a strong pipeline of skilled talent ready to contribute. Implement these strategies and watch your team thrive.

Best of luck in your recruiting efforts—get them!

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