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Helping you hire the right non‑executive talent FAST.

Having problem reaching the right jobseeker to fill your part-time, contract and full time non-executive positions?

More than 70% of our employers receive their 1st application within 24 hours after posting a job advertisement.

Employers, Start Hiring Now!

Get a complimentary job post for your vacancy.

Find your next dream job! Visit now.

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Trusted by 50,000+ leading organisations

Are you tired of not getting the right talent?

Reach out to targeted job seekers based on your hiring needs.


monthly active non-executive jobseekers in SG.


of our users are Singaporeans & PRs.


job advertisements for quality matches.

FastJobs - Singapore #1 Non-Executive Job Recruitment Portal

Our Promise
  • Connect with 320,000+ Monthly Active Jobseekers for Non-Executive Roles More than 64% are Singaporeans or PRs.
  • Get minimum 20 applications guaranteed for the first week of your job posting.
  • Streamline Your Hiring Process with Our All-in-One Dashboard: Post Jobs, Select Candidates, and Schedule Interviews Effortlessly.
  • AI-targeted Job Advertisements for quality candidates matches.
Talk to us

FastJobs - Singapore #1 Non-Executive Job Recruitment Portal

Our Promise
  • Connect with 320,000+ Monthly Active Jobseekers for Non-Executive Roles More than 64% are Singaporeans or PRs.
  • Get minimum 20 applications guaranteed for the first week of your job posting.
  • Streamline Your Hiring Process with Our All-in-One Dashboard: Post Jobs, Select Candidates, and Schedule Interviews Effortlessly.
  • AI-targeted Job Advertisements for quality candidates matches.
Talk to us

What makes FastJobs so effective?

Effective hiring through strategic targeting

  • Attract and hire bilingual talents by using our Chinese language translation tool.
  • Leverage our media assets to target audiences based on user
    profile and intent.
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Reduce time‑to‑hire with automation

  • Automated filtering job applications based on specific criteria allows you to focus on top candidates.
  • Screen your shortlisted candidates with a chatbot and schedule interviews with them right in one intuitive dashboard.
Talk to us

Track hiring success with data‑driven insights

  • Gain full control and visibility of your outlets and brands under one master account with unlimited access.
  • Evaluate and optimise the performance of your job posts with in-depth data insights.
Talk to us

What makes FastJobs so effective?

Effective hiring through strategic targeting

  • Attract and hire bilingual talent using Chinese language translation tool.
  • Target audiences based on user profile and intent with our media assets.
Talk to us

Reduce time‑to‑hire with automation

  • Automated filtering job applications based on specific criteria allows you to focus on top candidates.
  • Screen your shortlisted candidates with a chatbot and schedule interviews with them right in one intuitive dashboard.
Talk to us

Track hiring success with data‑driven insights

  • Gain full control of your outlets and brands under one master account.
  • Evaluate and optimise the performance of your job post with data insights.
Talk to us

Choose the right hiring plan for your team

  • Best for ad hoc hiring
  • Post one job ad that lasts for 4 weeks
  • Use within 1 month
10% off
  • Best for team hiring
  • Cheaper cost per job ad
  • Use within 6 months
Want a quote?
  • Best for businesses with regular hiring & recruitment agencies
  • Get a custom package based on your hiring plans
  • Tailored set up for bigger teams and businesses with multiple brands
  • Dedicated account support

Singapore’s #1 non‑executive job portal

Hear from employers that have found the perfect candidates with FastJobs.

FastJobs platform's user-friendly interface makes job posting a breeze and is highly effective in reaching a diverse pool of candidates.

The customer support provided by the FastJobs is outstanding - ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Overall, highly recommend FastJobs to any employer seeking a reliable and effective job posting solution.

Julius Fam (Ms.)
Manager, Talent Acquisition
UEMS Solutions Pte Ltd

FastJobs is an excellent online job portal platform. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, FastJobs makes it easy for job seekers to find part-time jobs.

The employer dashboard also offers a range of features to make the hiring process more efficient for my team.

I would like to extend a special thanks to my account manager and team for always responding so quickly and efficiently.

Edward Liau
Senior Director
Cornerstone Global Partners Pte Ltd

Fastjobs has been instrumental in solving our non-executive hiring needs.

The user interface is clean and easy to use.

The candidate management functions are extremely helpful in the recruitment process.

HR Team
Fitness First Singapore Pte Ltd

Ready to find your next great hire?

Join thousands of businesses that have successfully found top talent using FastJobs.
Book a Free Demo Now!

FastJobs is an award-winning mobile app which connects non-executive job seekers to reliable employers quickly and easily. With just a tap, applicants can apply for jobs offered by thousands of trusted employers in Singapore, across all sectors!


Take your job search wherever you go. Download the FastJobs app now!